Monday, March 6, 2017

One Snowy Day in Strömstad

Today was the first day that both girls were healthy enough to ride the bus into town. Up early, we stepped outside into several inches of fresh snow. Once again, the girls delighted in the novelty of it.

We said goodbye to Jeremy and caught the 7:41am bus into town. We were surprised to see kids riding the city bus to school unaccompanied.

In town, we dashed into the nearest cafe (one of the few places open at 8am) to eat breakfast. Savannah and I chose the buffet. It was not nearly as fancy as the Gothenburg feast, but still more than enough: bread, butter, cheeses, meats, hard-boiled eggs, cereal, muesli, milk, yogurt, and a little bite of pastry. Chelsea had thin Swedish pancakes served with whipped cream and jam. The coffee (as always here) was dark, strong, and unlimited. I may never sleep again.

Chelsea enjoying her pannkakor!
After breakfast, the town still mostly closed, we stopped at another cafe (with wifi!) above our favorite grocery store. Chelsea and Savannah had the little children's play area to themselves. We stayed until the shops began to open.

First stop: shoe store. Chelsea's snow boots somehow managed not to make it to Sweden. She has been wearing her rain boots, although her feet are nearly bursting out of them. Today we got her a pair of good, waterproof boots. As the Swedes say, "There is no bad weather, only bad clothes."

Chelsea's new serious Swedish winter-survival boots.
Only the high prices and the prospect of carrying new shoes around town all day prevented me from buying myself winter boots and ridiculously fancy slippers. I may need to go back. Possibly more than once.

We stopped at the local pool to ask about swimming and discovered that the school kids swim there daily. Now we know where those groups of kids parading through the town were going! Not on a field trip in sub-zero temperatures... Swimming!

Outside the local pool, we found a a small playground. On this snowy Monday, we were the only people there.

At the playground next to the pool.

Trying to make snow angels in not-deep-enough snow.
We wrapped up our outing with lunch at Mellow Cafe (fabulous, delicious, and way too expensive to become a habit), a grocery run (who doesn't need more milk?), and a quick stop at the toy store for two sleds and one pair of poo emoji slippers.

She's a fan.
Because if you haven't got poo emoji slippers, you haven't got anything.

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